Are you thinking of lighting up your home with some decorative diy lights fixtures? If yes then don’t waste your money on buying expensive light hanging lamps. I am going to share some creative DIY light fixtures ideas which can be followed for creating some cute light fixtures at home. Use ordinary materials available at home or upcycle recycled materials for making handmade light fixtures for decorating and lighting your home. Most of the DIY light fixture ideas I have given in my post are about hanging light fixtures. So make these DIY ceiling lamps from recycled materials to save money and to give new look to you ceiling.
Upcycle cutlery and old kitchen ware for making inexpensive handmade light fixtures. Join forks, knives and spoons in different shapes to make cute DIY light fixtures for your home. Join spoons together in a shape of flower and tie them with a steel wire. Install light bulb in the middle to make your upcycled cutlery lamp. You can join spoons and forks to make square shaped light fixture as well.
Use grater for making this unique DIY Hanging lamp. Place a bulb in the middle of grater to convert it into a light fixture. Light will come out from the holes of grater and make it look beautiful.
Upcycle plastic bottle and plastic spoons for making this cute DIY light fixtures. Install a bulb in the plastic bottle. Remove handles of the spoons and paste front part of the spoons on the plastic bottle with hot glue. Cover whole bottle with spoons completely to give your light fixture shape of flower. Hang these cute light fixtures on ceiling of your home to make your home more bright and light up.
So these were some creative DIY light fixtures ideas from recycled materials. Hope you will try some of these DIY lamps projects to make up your home more lighted and bright. You can see my post on DIY paper lanterns for more DIY Lamps ideas.